Hello world!

I have many names, Wife, Mom, Teacher, Nurse, Caretakers, Bus Driver just to name a few but you can call me Jess. Starting a blog can be intimidating and down right frustrating at times but after years of thinking about it, I am finally doing it. Why, why even try there are thousands out there what makes me different? That is a question I ask myself all the time. I am no different than any of you, I’m not extra smart or make the best cookies in the county. I’m just me. So if you are up for it feel free to join in on the fun.

You might want to know what we are going to cover here. Well I’m a homeschooling mom of 4 amazing kids. I also am constantly working on growing our family homestead. So I’m sure there will be plenty of stories of animals causing chaos, homeschool ups and down and tips I find on the way.

I live a simple life that I love and thank God for everyday. In recent years I have fallen in love with the simplicity of life. Learning how to garden, homeschooling my children, going on with less. Its so freeing when you can finally escape the image everyone has for you and just be you.

So Hello World, I am Jess!


One response to “Hello world!”

  1. Missy

    Looking forward to reading about your adventures and seeing your photos!